99. People think others are more easily influenced than they are themselves


Slide Set on 99. People think others are more easily influenced than they are themselves, created by Tiffany Griffith on 08/03/2017.
Tiffany Griffith
Slide Set by Tiffany Griffith, updated more than 1 year ago
Tiffany Griffith
Created by Tiffany Griffith about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    99. People Think Others Are More Easily Influenced Than They Are Themselves
    The "third-person" effect. The idea that "others are affected but not me". Most people believe that they are not easily influenced by messages or behaviors. How Are We Influenced?We are influenced by pictures, images and words. People do not realize that they are being guided in this way. The reaction that most people have is that " Other people are affected by these things, but not me."
    Why do people react this way?There are two reasons why people react this way.  People do not realize that they are being influenced. This affect happens unconsciously. People value control and do not want to be considered easily influenced.
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