Asha Abdelshafi
Course by Asha Abdelshafi, updated more than 1 year ago Contributors


A study guide to ASL basics

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Hold your hand up like so in the picture above, make sure to open and close your hand as if you were milking a cow.
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Rest  your finger tips on your temple (side of forehead) before bring your hand down, and  pointing your thumb and pinky out while the rest of your fingers are closed. Make sure to emphasize your facial expression according to how your using ¨why¨. Example: Your confused and dont understand; scrunch your eyebrows. Example: Maybe your confused in annoyance or disappointment rest your face.
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Have the tips of your index fingers make a x formation then slowly draw out your fingers separating them, so, there parallel from each other. Make sure to emphasize your facial expression accordingly to how you use ¨but¨.
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