Clean Air: GCSE OCR Chemistry B Public

Clean Air: GCSE OCR Chemistry B

Niamh Ryan
Course by Niamh Ryan, updated more than 1 year ago Contributors


Welcome to this course on atmosphere and clean air. In it, we will learn about the composition of Earth's atmosphere, from its origins to the factors that alter the current make-up.This course covers Topic C1c: Clean Air, which is assessed on Paper 1 of the GCSE OCR Chemistry B Course.

Module Information


Welcome to this course on atmosphere and clean air. In it, we will learn about the composition of Earth's atmosphere, from its origins to the factors that alter the current make-up. Human influences are changing the way we breathe.


Course Introduction This course covers Topic C1c: Clean Air, which is part of Topic C1: Carbon Chemistry.  This is assessed on Paper 1 of the GCSE OCR Chemistry B Course. The module C1: Carbon Chemistry is covered in two other courses: Carbon Chemistry: GCSE OCR Chemistry B Everyday Organic Chemistry: GCSE OCR Chemistry B
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In the early days of atmospheric formation, the Earth was covered by a blanket with a different composition than what we know today. Hydrogen and helium were once major components of air before they floated away.


This flow-chart diagram offers a simple illustration of the carbon cycle. The back-and-forth of respiration-photosynthesis, respiration - combustion...etc all plays a part in shaping the composition of our atmosphere.


When we burn fossil fuel in our car engines and in our power stations, we release nitrous oxides and sulphur dioxides. These toxins react with water in the clouds. In the right conditions this will lead to acid rain.


Use these flashcards to help you remember some of the key terms and facts that we have covered in this course. We look back on the ingredients that combine to create that necessity we call air.


Answer these questions and test your knowledge of what we have learned on this course about atmosphere. Questions are multiple choice, fill in the blank or true or false.
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