Infant/Toddler Language Public

Infant/Toddler Language

Christine Dawson
Course by Christine Dawson, updated more than 1 year ago Contributors


This content covers night 6 of our Infant/Toddler Language

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After watching Montessori's Intuition and The Sensitive Period for Language, Post your thoughts on our class Facebook page regarding this important developmental time in young children's lives and what we can do to help.
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Visit our Class Facebook page to leave a comment on the "Itchy Bear" video and what you did or did not like about his read aloud strategies. Was there anything you saw that you think the kids in your room would find engaging? Are there other read aloud strategies you have learned that you find more effective?
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Action stories are a great way to engage children! What are your thoughts about "Looking for Dracula" and "Going on a Bear Hunt"? Do you know other action stories that would engage your children?
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After watching the four videos on sign language, please post your thoughts! Also, explain why incorporating sign language into your class would be helpful for your students. If you do not believe it would be helpful, then please explain your reasoning:
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This one is a bonus!!! I love the "Sing it, Say it, Stamp it, Sway it" albums, and wanted to share on with you! If you have some extra time, I highly encourage you to listen to these songs. Many of them incorporate actions, and are a great way to find movement in the classroom with your kids! If you do get a change to listen to at least some of the songs on this playlist, i would love to hear any comments you have:
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