Test para Practicar el GMAT, sección 'Verbal'


Test para Practicar el GMAT, sección 'Verbal' (en inglés)
Diego  Santos
Quiz by Diego Santos, updated more than 1 year ago
Diego  Santos
Created by Diego Santos over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Is it historically verifiable that Abraham Lincoln wrote the Gettysburg Address (while riding to Gettysburg on a scrap of paper?)
  • while riding to Gettysburg on a scrap of paper?
  • as he rode to Gettysburg on a scrap of paper?
  • on a scrap of paper while riding to Gettysburg?
  • on a scrap of paper while he rode to Gettysburg?
  • while riding to Gettysburg on a buggy?

Question 2

(I don't do well in those kinds of tests.)
  • I don't do well in those kinds of tests.
  • I don't do well in those kind of tests.
  • I don't do good in those kinds of tests.
  • I don't do good in those kind of tests
  • I don't do good in tests like those.

Question 3

(Honor as well as profit are to be gained by this work. )
  • Honor as well as profit are to be gained by this work.
  • Honor as well as profit is to be gained by this work.
  • Honor in addition to profit are to be gained by this work.
  • Honor, as well as profit, are to be gained by this work.
  • Honor also profit is to be gained by this work.

Question 4

Finding the book on top of the desk, (it was placed on the shelf with the others by the librarian. )
  • it was placed on the shelf with the others by the librarian.
  • it was placed with the others on the shelf by the librarian.
  • the librarian placed it on the shelf with the others.
  • and placing it on the shelf with the others by the librarian.

Question 5

Keeping to the high roads, running as fast as she could(, as well as not stopping for rest,) allowed her to make the trip in record time.
  • , as well as not stopping for rest,
  • as well as not stopping for rest
  • , and not stopping for rest
  • , not stopping for rest,
  • stopping not for rest

Question 6

(You need not go unless you want to. )
  • You need not go unless you want to.
  • You don't need to go not unless you want to.
  • You need go not unless you want to.
  • You need not go in case unless you want to.
  • You can go not unless you want to.

Question 7

(After he graduated college,) he entered law school.
  • After he graduated college,
  • After he was graduated from college,
  • When he graduated college,
  • After he graduated school
  • As he was graduated from college,

Question 8

Fact 1: Television advertising is becoming less effective: the promotion of brand names promoted on television that viewers of the advertising can recall is slowly decreasing. Fact 2: Television viewers recall commercials aired first or last in a cluster of consecutive commercials far better than they recall commercials aired somewhere in the middle. Fact 2 would be most likely to contribute to an explanation of fact 1 if which of the following were also true?
  • The total time allotted to the average cluster of consecutive television commercials is decreasing.
  • The average number of clusters of consecutive commercials per hour of television is increasing.
  • The average number of hours per day that people spend watching television is decreasing.
  • The average number of television commercials in a cluster of consecutive commercials is increasing.
  • The average television viewer currently recalls fewer than half the brand names promoted in commercials he or she saw.

Question 9

The average normal infant born in the United States weighs between twelve and fourteen pounds at the age of three months. Therefore, if a three-month-old child weighs only ten pounds, its weight gain has been below the United States average. Which of the following indicates a flaw in the reasoning above?
  • The phrase "below average" does not necessarily mean insufficient.
  • Average weight gain is not the same as average weight.
  • Some three-month old children weigh as much as seventeen pounds.
  • It is possible for a normal child to weigh ten pounds at birth.
  • Weight is only one measure of normal infant development.

Question 10

Which of the following best completes the passage below? People buy prestige when they buy a premium product. They want to be associated with something special. Mass-marketing techniques and price-reduction strategies should not be used because ___________ .
  • continued sales depend directly on the maintenance of an aura of exclusivity.
  • expansion of the market niche to include a broader spectrum of consumers will increase profits.
  • manufacturing a premium brand is not necessarily more costly than manufacturing a standard brand of the same product.
  • affluent purchasers currently represent a shrinking portion of the population of all purchasers.
  • purchasers of premium products are concerned with the quality as well as with the price of the products.
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