Pressure in fluids


The force acting normally on unit surface area is called pressure. Pressure is a scalar quantity Units of pressure are NEWTON AND PASCAL The momentum imparted per second by the molecules to a given surface gives rise to average force acting on the surface. This average force acting per unit area givea rise to gluid pressure.
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Pressure in fluids
  1. defination
    1. the momentum imparted per second by the molecules to a given surface gives rise to average force acting on the surface.This average force acting per unit area gives rise to fluid pressure
    2. units
      1. pascal and newton
      2. laws of pressure
        1. A liquid seeks its own level Pressure is same in all directions about a given point within the liquid.
        2. factors on which the pressure at a point in fluids depends
          1. pressure in a fluid is directly propotional to its height . pressure in a fluid is directly propotional to its density
          2. disadvantages of water water sticks to the sides of glass tube
            1. ANEROID BAROMETER The barometer does not use any liquid hence it is called as aneroid barometer.
              1. atmospheric pressure is inversely propotional to temprature and moisture
                1. graphs
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