

bacalaureat Oral Physiology Mindmap am Mastication, erstellt von Caroline Oxford am 22/05/2013.
Caroline Oxford
Mindmap von Caroline Oxford, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Caroline Oxford
Erstellt von Caroline Oxford vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Able to apply strong forces and yet able to to control fine detail, whistle, speech etc.
    1. Componants of Mastication
      1. Dentitions
        1. Periodontal tissues
          1. Maxilla/Mandible
            1. TMJ
              1. Mandibular muscles
                1. Muscles of lips/cheek/tounge
                  1. soft tissues
                    1. Innervation/Vascultaion
        2. Muscles of Mastication
          1. Temprolalis
            1. O-Temporal
              1. I-corinoid process
                1. Elevates, retracts
            2. Masseter
              1. O-Zygomatic Arch
                1. I Angle of Mandible
                  1. Elevation
              2. Lateral Pterygoid
                1. O-Lateral surface of Ptyrigoid plate
                  1. I-Capsule of TMJ+Neck of Mandible
                    1. Protrution/side to side
                2. Medial Pterygoid
                  1. O-Medial surface of Lateral Ptyrigoid
                    1. Medial surface near angle
                      1. Elevation/Side to side
                3. Non Masticatory muscle
                  1. Digastric
                    1. Mylohoid
                      1. Geniohyoid
                        1. Obicularis Oris
                      2. Development
                        1. Not born with it
                        2. 3 Classes of Movement
                          1. Voluntary
                            1. Speech
                            2. Reflex
                              1. Swallowing
                              2. Cyclical
                                1. Chewing
                              3. Factors determining Mastication
                                1. Teeth
                                  1. Bite force
                                    1. Neuromuscular control
                                      1. Saliva
                                        1. Taste/Texture food
                                          1. Interplay with tounge and cheek
                                          2. Stretch Reflex
                                            1. Primary
                                              1. Sensitive to minute changes
                                              2. Secondary
                                                1. Continuos info on muscle length
                                                2. Keeps mouth closed/in rest and firm
                                                  1. 3-8mm apart
                                                3. Mechanisims involved
                                                  1. Muscle spindle receptors
                                                    1. Sensory Neurons
                                                    2. Mechanoreceptors
                                                      1. Must detect hard/soft food
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