Seamus Heaney


Leaving Certificate English/Inglés Mindmap am Seamus Heaney, erstellt von antonia2013 am 28/05/2013.
Mindmap von antonia2013, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von antonia2013 vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Seamus Heaney
  1. "The Constable Calls"
    1. ~ A snapshot from the poet's childhood.
      1. ~ Themes of fear and power.
        1. ~ Personal memory that speaks for the whole community.
          1. ~ Constable intrudes into the private world of the family.
            1. ~ Constable described in terms of his uniform and equipment.
              1. ~ Cold and impersonal descriptions.
                1. ~ Harsh sounds.
                  1. ~ Feelings of guilt, alarm and dread.
    2. "The Underground"
      1. ~ Celebratory poem.
        1. ~ Energy and excitement they felt at that time reflected in the poem's language.
          1. ~ True to life description of love.
            1. ~ Love as desire, pursuit, escape, silence and perservance.
              1. ~ Ordinary moment described in terms of ancient tales and classical stories.
                1. ~ A love poem without the word love.
                  1. ~ Not a conventional/usual ending.
                    1. ~ Poet presented as attentive but stubborn.
      2. "A Call"
        1. ~ Dramatic opening
          1. ~ Moves from action to remembering.
            1. ~ Further movement from remembering to thought of death.
              1. ~ Amplified silence central to the poem.
                1. ~ Relief at the sound of his father's voice.
                  1. ~ Plain and unfussy language.
                    1. ~ Death summons.
                      1. ~ Guarded feeling at the end.
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