The respiratory system (mind map)


BTEC Sports and exercise science Mindmap am The respiratory system (mind map), erstellt von Charlotte Linscott am 29/03/2018.
Charlotte Linscott
Mindmap von Charlotte Linscott, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Charlotte Linscott
Erstellt von Charlotte Linscott vor etwa 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

The respiratory system (mind map)
  1. Anatomy of the respiratory system
    1. The respiratory tract
      1. The lower respiratory tract
        1. The trachea
          1. The bronchi
            1. The brochioles
              1. The alveoli
              2. The upper respiratory tract
                1. The nasal cavity
                  1. The nose and mouth
                    1. The pharynx (the throat)
                      1. The larynx (voice box)
                      2. Epiglottis
                      3. Muscles of the respiratory system
                        1. The diaphragm
                          1. The intercoastal muscles
                            1. External
                              1. Internal
                            2. The lungs
                              1. The pleural membrane
                                1. Visceral
                                  1. Parietal
                                2. The thoracic cavity
                                  1. The ribcage
                                3. Function of the respiratory system
                                  1. Pulmonary ventilation
                                    1. Inspiration
                                      1. Expiration
                                    2. Lung volumes
                                      1. Respiratory rate
                                        1. Tidal volume
                                          1. Minute volume
                                            1. Residual volume
                                              1. Vital capacity
                                                1. Reserve volumes
                                                  1. Inspiratory reserve volume
                                                    1. Expiratory reserve volume
                                                    2. Total lung volume
                                                    3. Gaseous exchange
                                                      1. Gas percentages
                                                        1. Oxygen
                                                          1. Exhaled air
                                                            1. 16.0%
                                                            2. Inhaled air
                                                              1. 21.0%
                                                            3. Carbon dioxide
                                                              1. Inhaled air
                                                                1. 0.04%
                                                                2. Exhaled air
                                                                  1. 4.0%
                                                              2. Oxygen: Alveoli -> Blood in the capillaries (red blood cells)
                                                                1. Carbon dioxide: Blood in the capillaries (blood plasma) -> Alveoli
                                                                  1. Gas movement: High concentration -> Low concentration
                                                                  2. Control of breathing
                                                                    1. Factors controlling breathing
                                                                      1. Neural control
                                                                        1. Medulla oblongata
                                                                          1. Dorsal respiratory group
                                                                            1. Ventral respiratory group
                                                                              1. Rhythm generation
                                                                          2. Chemical fluctuations (atmospheric levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide, blood carbon dioxide levels, blood acidity)
                                                                            1. Chemoreceptors
                                                                              1. Medulla oblongata
                                                                                1. Aortic arch
                                                                                  1. Carotid arteries
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