Interacting Whit Others


In this work we are going to learn a lesson calles animals interacting whit others
Diego  Del Cid
Mindmap von Diego Del Cid , aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Diego  Del Cid
Erstellt von Diego Del Cid vor etwa 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Interacting Whit Others
  1. Communication
    1. Protection
      1. Locating Membres
        1. Warming
          1. Finding Mates
            1. What Does they use
              1. Sounds


                • All the animals produce unique calls of songs
                1. Snort
                  1. Growl
                    1. Screech
                    2. Light


                      • Chemical Reactions, the aimal body produce light
                      1. Chemicals


                        • Many animals produce chemicals called pheromones. Pheromone is a chemical that produced by a animal and influences the behavior of other animal.
                        1. it presence
                          1. Danger
                            1. Food
                              1. Mates
                            2. Body Lenguage


                              • Animals like wolves communicate by exitement, aggression, fácial expressions
                              1. Body Lenguage
                                1. aggression
                                  1. Facial Expressions
                                    1. playfulness
                                      1. Agresssion
                                        1. Fear
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