Level 3: Genetic Drift


Mindmap am Level 3: Genetic Drift, erstellt von ZoeZhou am 10/10/2014.
Mindmap von ZoeZhou, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von ZoeZhou vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Level 3: Genetic Drift
  1. Identify the “Golden Nuggets”
    1. Both: affect outcome of a population.
      1. Natural selection
        1. When a species adapts to an environment
          1. Selective and fitness.
            1. Increases genetic variation.
              1. acts on the phenotype.
                1. more or less common in a population
                2. Genetic drift
                  1. Depends on population size, and has the most impact on smaller populations. Reduces genetic variation. Depends on environment. (Random)
                3. Founder Effect
                  1. comes from a small population, which is originally bigger than the new population
                  2. Bottleneck
                    1. starts with a large population and is reduced down drastically then raised up.
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