Make vs. Do


Mindmap am Make vs. Do, erstellt von marg sanchez am 09/08/2018.
marg sanchez
Mindmap von marg sanchez, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
marg sanchez
Erstellt von marg sanchez vor fast 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Make vs. Do
  1. do "consider more the action
    1. "Do" is used for actions, activities and jobs. It is used in a broad sense, as to "perform".
      1. Examples:do homework, do a job, do the dishes, do housework, do exercise
    2. "Make" we refer more to the result of the action.
      1. "Make" is used in the sense of "manufacture", "elaborate" or "create". It is used for activities that create something that can be touched, a physical object.
      2. Do" is used when we talk about things in general, when we do not specify the activity. In this sense, it is used a lot with undefined pronouns like "something", "anything", "nothing", etc
        1. Examples
          1. What are you doing today? I’m not doing anything.
            1. He’s always doing nice things for his girlfriend.(Siempre hace cosas buenas para su novia.)
              1. Are you doing anything important right now?
              2. Expressions
                1. do good
                  1. do right
                    1. do wrong(
                      1. do damage
                        1. do one’s best
                        2. Examples:
                          1. make breakfast/lunch/dinner
                            1. make a dress
                              1. make furniture
                                1. make the bed
                                  1. make a plan
                                    1. make money
                                      1. make money
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