

Mindmap am estuaries, erstellt von laura marcela garcia am 16/10/2014.
laura marcela garcia
Mindmap von laura marcela garcia, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
laura marcela garcia
Erstellt von laura marcela garcia vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. fresh water from land enters the ocean through rivers, streams and groundwater flowing through valleys, these valleys that cannel fresh water from land to the salty ocean,which range from extremely narrom sttream cut channels to remarkably broad lagoons behind behind long barrier islands, are called estuaries
    1. A number of types of estuaries are commercially vital ; many commercially important estuaries are the mouths of major rivers.
      1. estuary systems which vary to reflect the geology of the coasts where they are found can be broadly categorized as one of two different types.
        1. the other category of estuary system encompasses the mountainous coasts with their rugged topography, such as those found along the pacific coasts of north and south america.
          1. the types of estuaries that are no viable as ports of call for ocean commerce are those that are not wide enough, no deep enough and not powerful enough to prevent they buildup of sediment.
            1. during the last ice age, much of what is today the submerged continental shelf was exposed as an extended part of the continent. intricate river systems composed of main rivers and their tributaries cut valleys across the plains to the edge of the shelf, where they released the fresh water that they carried into the ocean.
              1. on today´s flooded coastal plains,the water is comparatively shallow and huge amounts of sand and sediment are-deposiited. these conditions foster the growth of extensive long and narrow offshore deposits, many of which era exposed above the water as sand
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