Why did the Schlieffen plan fail?


Mindmap am Why did the Schlieffen plan fail?, erstellt von Skyliner 1956 am 29/10/2014.
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Why did the Schlieffen plan fail?
  1. The Schlieffen plan was a easy way of attacking France and Russia
    1. Germany thought that Belgium wouldn't be hard to fight. But they were wrong and it took much longer then planned to defeat Belgium
      1. Germany wanted to capture all the French coastal ports to prevent the English troops coming to help. But the BEF mobilised quicker then thought and got over to France before the Germans
        1. The Schlieffen Plan relied on the Russian troops only being mobilised in six weeks but they were mobilised in only ten days. This ment that Germany had to send some troops away from the western front and to the northern one
          1. Because Belgium was much harder to fight then expected it didn't take the planned six weeks to capture Paris. So all other timings were now incorrect
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