Medieval philosophy


Mindmap am Medieval philosophy, erstellt von Daniel Tzuc am 11/01/2019.
Daniel Tzuc
Mindmap von Daniel Tzuc, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Daniel Tzuc
Erstellt von Daniel Tzuc vor mehr als 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Medieval philosophy
  1. Periods
    1. Patristic
      1. V-VIII Century
      2. Scholasticism
        1. IX-XVI Century
      3. Characteristics
        1. Religiosity
          1. Christian faith
            1. Criticism to the reason
              1. Neoplatonic
              2. San Agustín
                1. Positions
                  1. Neoplatonic
                    1. Idealistic
                    2. Doctrines
                      1. Knowledge theory
                    3. Scholastic
                      1. Supporters
                        1. Supernatural
                      2. Scholasticism
                        1. Supporters
                          1. Supernatural Authority
                            1. Nature reason
                            2. Notionalist
                              1. Peter Abelard
                                1. Understanding after faith
                                2. Bernard of Clairvaux
                                  1. Mystical theology
                                  2. Anselmo
                                    1. Believe to understand
                                3. Anselm of canterbury
                                  1. Cur Deus Homo
                                    1. The Monologion
                                      1. The De Veritate
                                      2. References
                                        1. Southern, R. W. (1990). Western Society and the Church in the Middle Ages. London: Penguin Books.
                                          1. Grant, E. (2010). God and Reason in the Middle Ages. London: Cambridge University Press.
                                            1. Southern, R. W. (1990). Western Society and the Church in the Middle Ages. London: Penguin Books.
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