Elements of the language curriculumdesign process


Taty Hurtado
Mindmap von Taty Hurtado, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Taty Hurtado
Erstellt von Taty Hurtado vor mehr als 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Elements of the language curriculumdesign process
  1. It´s essential to decide what the learner need to get from it.
      1. The material must be presented in a proper way.
        1. Presentation involve teaching techniques.
          1. The sources of the material will have decisive affects.
            1. The lesson format needs to be checked to be sure that the format is right.
              1. Some lessons will require adjustment.
        1. Assesing implies the use of tests.
          1. Proficiency test may be used to measures knowledge.
            1. Achievement test is based on the content of the course.
              1. There are short- term achievement and larger achievement test.
                1. Testing help us to gain information about the progress of students.
          1. It involves items, ideas, skills and strategies.
            1. Adapt lists as a result of needs analysis.
              1. We can use a list to check the content of a course.
                1. Lists exclude the items that don´t have to be in the course.
        3. NEEDS
          1. There is a classification of needs, lacks and wants.
            1. Need is what the learner has to know for an specific purpose.
              1. Needs may involve some kind of comparison or reference items.
          2. ENVIRONMENT
            1. Environment involves some factors that a course will use.
              1. Environment analysis has some questions focused on the nature of the learners.
                1. Teacher take into an account learners´lack interest.
                  1. Teacher decided the place where learners have to learn.
            2. PRINCIPLES
              1. Research on language guides decisions on curriculum design.
                1. Research includes principles of repetition and thoughtful processing of material.
              2. EVALUATION
                1. Evaluation answers the question "Is this a good course?"
                  1. An evaluation decides if the course continue or discontinue.
                    1. Evaluation gives us improvements in the course.
                      1. Curriculum disign includes ongoing evaluation of a course.
                2. GOAL
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