Question 2: Rise in Middle Schooling


Mindmap am Question 2: Rise in Middle Schooling, erstellt von Sharna Dallywater am 22/09/2013.
Sharna Dallywater
Mindmap von Sharna Dallywater, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Sharna Dallywater
Erstellt von Sharna Dallywater vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

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  1. The middle School movement has arisen in the context of prevailing concerns with academic, personal, behavioural and social problems (Bahr and Pendergast, 2007)
    1. Created to perform the function to aid this issue, but now recognised as a legitimate educational strategy
    2. Traditional methods - a abrupt disjuncture between two distinctive forms of schooling
      1. Age appropriate pedagogical approach. Catered to them - focused approach (Alton Lee & Rowe, 2007
        1. Concept has been around for over a century. However in the last two years the following has occurred.
          1. Official reports and inquiries sponsored by the government
            1. projects across Australia
              1. Uni specific courses
                1. Over examined more closely
                  1. Creation of resources, agencies, and development providers
                    1. It took time to determine the differences can be explained, measured and evauated with validity and reliability
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