Reference List


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Sam James
Mindmap von Sam James, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Sam James
Erstellt von Sam James vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Reference List
  1. Ocean Processes
    1. Energy and carbon Cycling
      1. Nitrogen Cycle
        1. Oxygen minimum zones
        2. Protistan Grazing
          1. Microbes and Disease
            1. Coral health an Disease
              1. Disease of other animals
                1. Marine microbes and human disease.
                2. Communities of Microbes
                  1. DMSP
                    1. Viruses and plankton
                      1. Biofilms, fungi and surface microlayer
                        1. Phytoplankton
                          1. Microbial activities in sediments, vents and seep
                            1. Microbial Symbiosis
                            2. Global Change
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