
Mindmap von algcarv, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von algcarv vor fast 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

    1. Jugador de ataque
      1. The quarterback was injured
        1. We have the best quarterback in the school
        1. Braza.
          1. a breaststroke its a measurement unit
            1. the pool has a breaststroke of depth
          2. SYNCHRONIZED
            1. Sincronizado
              1. The dance was synchronized
                1. let's organize a synchronized swimming team
              2. SWEEPSTAKES
                1. Sorteos
                  1. I won the sweepstake of a car
                    1. She participated in some sweepstakes
                  2. DISTRIBUTIVE
                    1. Distributivo
                      1. the delivery was distributive.
                        1. today we wil study the distributive property of math.
                      2. POLYHEDRON
                        1. Poliedro
                          1. Today in geomethry we will learn about the polyhedrons
                          2. QUALITATIVE
                            1. Cualitativo
                              1. The choosing was qualitative
                                1. i'm writing qualitative sentences.
                              2. PARALYMPICS
                                1. Olimpiadas paraliticas
                                  1. this year the paralympics will be in Macedonia.
                                  2. CALISTHENICS
                                    1. Calistenia
                                        1. calisthenics is used to work the diaphragm
                                      1. SOMERSAULT
                                        1. Voltereta
                                          1. she did an incredible somersault
                                            1. i would never do a somersault
                                          2. WHOLE NUMBER
                                            1. Numero Entero
                                              1. We learned about the whole numbers.
                                              2. QUARTERFINALS
                                                1. Cuartos de final
                                                  1. Our team played till quarterfinal.
                                                    1. FCB were in the quarterfinals of the Champions League
                                                  2. POLYNOMIAL
                                                    1. Polinomio
                                                      1. i learned about polynomials in eight grade
                                                        1. i hate the polynomials
                                                      2. ISOTHERMAL
                                                        1. Isotermales
                                                          1. It's a process about the temperature
                                                        2. COEFFICIENT
                                                          1. Coeficiente
                                                            1. There are many meanings of this word
                                                            2. SYMMETRICAL
                                                                1. Smetrico
                                                                  1. Something that has regular form
                                                                2. ACCLIMATATION
                                                                  1. Ajuste al clima
                                                                    1. It's a proccess in which the organism adjust to the enviroment
                                                                  2. PROBABILITY
                                                                    1. Probabilidad
                                                                      1. Its the total of possible answers to a question
                                                                    2. TOUCHDOWN
                                                                      1. Anotacion
                                                                      2. ASYMPTOTIC
                                                                        1. Asimtotico
                                                                          1. Expression containing a variable tends to infinity.
                                                                        2. MORE WORDS
                                                                          1. IMMIGRATION
                                                                            1. inmigracion
                                                                              1. movement of people into a country to which they are not native.
                                                                            2. CRETACEOUS
                                                                              1. Cretaceo
                                                                                1. It was a geologic period of the dinosaurs
                                                                              2. ANCHORPERSON
                                                                                1. Locutor
                                                                                  1. The anchorperson said a mistake in the yesterday match
                                                                                2. SCRIMMAGE
                                                                                  1. Combate
                                                                                    1. In the rugby and football there are srimmages
                                                                                  2. BACKSTROKE
                                                                                    1. Reves
                                                                                      1. The backstroke swimming is very popular
                                                                                    2. GOAL KEEPER
                                                                                      1. Arquero
                                                                                        1. Claudio Bravo is the best goalkeeper
                                                                                    3. ASSOCIATIVE
                                                                                      1. Asociativa
                                                                                        1. There is in math some associaive properties
                                                                                      2. GYMNATSTICS
                                                                                        1. Gimnastas
                                                                                          1. The people that practice gymnasti has to be too flexible
                                                                                        2. RHOMBOIDAL
                                                                                          1. Romboidal
                                                                                            1. She injured her rhomboidal muscle
                                                                                          2. APPROXIMATE
                                                                                            1. Aproximado
                                                                                              1. Very similar; closely resembling
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