Beginning of Modern Nationalism in India


Mindmap am Beginning of Modern Nationalism in India, erstellt von study bee am 07/12/2020.
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Beginning of Modern Nationalism in India
  1. Factors in the Growth of Modern Nationalism
    1. Indian Renaissance.
      1. Worldwide upsurge of the concepts of nationalism
        1. right of self-determination - French Revolution
        2. Offshoot of modernisation initiated by the British in India.
          1. Strong reaction to British imperialist policies in India.
          2. Understanding of Contradictions in Indian and Colonial Interests
            1. major cause of India’s economic backwardness - colonial rule
              1. nationalist movement arose
                1. challenging character and policies of colonial rule
              2. Political, Administrative and Economic Unification of the Country
                1. British created a larger state than that of the Mauryas or the great Mughals
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