Student House


Mindmap am Student House, erstellt von minutes_seconds. am 24/10/2013.
Mindmap von minutes_seconds., aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von minutes_seconds. vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Student House
  1. Whole House
    1. Cleanliness
      1. Reminders for bins
        1. Scheduling cleaning between housemates
          1. Automated recycling
          2. Security
            1. Individual
              1. Temporary access of people other than owner of room
              2. Whole
                1. Automated locks
                  1. Fire checks doors are not locked
                    1. Checking everything is closed
                      1. Letting visitors in (to certain rooms)
                      2. Heating/Lighting/Water
                        1. Individual meters
                      3. Bathroom
                        1. Vacancy/occupation
                          1. Automatic ventilation
                          2. Bedroom
                            1. Organization
                              1. Alarm Clock
                                1. Noise levels
                                2. Living room
                                  1. Sleep mode
                                    1. Study mode-Music down
                                      1. Party mode- allow volume up, hiding expensive things
                                      2. Kitchen
                                        1. Parking
                                          1. Hallways
                                            Zusammenfassung anzeigen Zusammenfassung ausblenden

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