Physical Description


Mindmap am Physical Description, erstellt von Claudia Liliana am 19/08/2015.
Claudia Liliana
Mindmap von Claudia Liliana, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Claudia Liliana
Erstellt von Claudia Liliana vor fast 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Physical Description
  1. She is funny
    1. She is Young
      1. she born 21th, march on 1998
        1. She has seventeen
      2. She is sometimes nervous
        1. She has long culy brown
          1. She is tall
            1. His name is Laura
              1. she studies physical therapy
                1. university Manuela Beltran
              2. She is Slim
                1. she has the eyes brown
                  1. she is serious
                    1. She has some beauty marks
                      1. she's kind
                        1. he likes to read
                          1. she has a sister
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