Future intermediation in tourism sector


Mindmap am Future intermediation in tourism sector, erstellt von Lupita Sykes am 17/10/2021.
Lupita Sykes
Mindmap von Lupita Sykes, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Lupita Sykes
Erstellt von Lupita Sykes vor mehr als 2 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Future intermediation in tourism sector
  1. Technological tools
    1. Virtual and augmented reality
      1. New dimension in content consumption.
      2. Wereable thecnologies
        1. They´re here to revolutionize the way we interact and consume information
          1. Communication agencies and brands we have to explore new ways of communicating with the consumer.
            1. processing and analysis of data
              1. modify the way people interact with the content.
                1. mood and emotions ehile consuming information
                  1. shopping habits
                        1. Digital assistants
                          1. change the way Consumers interact with their mobile devices
                            1. is faster
                              1. it works like a hands free
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