Exam 2: Biguanides


College NUR 325 Mindmap am Exam 2: Biguanides, erstellt von Jasper McClellan am 11/07/2022.
Jasper McClellan
Mindmap von Jasper McClellan, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Jasper McClellan
Erstellt von Jasper McClellan vor fast 2 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Exam 2: Biguanides
  1. Nursing Interventions
    1. Monitor LFTs, BUN, and Cr before starting
      1. Continue yearly monitoring
    2. Pharmacokinetics
      1. Not metabolized; excreted unchanged in urine
      2. Adverse effects
        1. Lactic acidosis
          1. Metallic taste in the mouth
            1. Dehydration
              1. Decreased absorption of B12 and folic acid
                1. Weight loss
                2. Contraindications
                  1. Lactic Acid concern:
                    1. Alcoholism
                      1. Hepatic and renal impairment
                        1. Shock
                          1. Severe infection
                            1. Dehydration
                          2. Drug interactions
                            1. Can cause lactic acidosis
                              1. Contrast dyes
                                1. Stop taking 1-2 days before
                                  1. Monitor BUN and Cr
                                  2. Cimetidine
                                  3. Hypoglycemics
                                  4. Pharmacological action
                                    1. Increases sensitivity of insulin receptions
                                      1. Decreases absorption of glucose from the intestines
                                        1. Decreases synthesis of glucose by the liver
                                        2. Other information
                                          1. Advantages
                                            1. Safe for pregnancy
                                              1. No weight gain
                                                1. No hypoglycemia
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