Reported Speach


Mindmap am Reported Speach, erstellt von Lizbeth Flores9276 am 20/10/2015.
Lizbeth Flores9276
Mindmap von Lizbeth Flores9276, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Lizbeth Flores9276
Erstellt von Lizbeth Flores9276 vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Reported Speach
  1. Direct Speach
    1. Present Simple
      1. “He‘s American“ she said.
        1. Present Continuos
          1. He said, “I‘m making dinner.“
    2. Indirect Speach
      1. Past Simple
        1. She said he was American.
          1. Past Continuos
            1. He told me that he was making dinner.
      2. When do we use reported speech? Sometimes someone says a sentence, for example "I'm going to the cinema tonight". Later, maybe we want to tell someone else what the first person said.
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