upper and lower GI cancer


FOCP- GI Mindmap am upper and lower GI cancer, erstellt von greenfylde am 24/11/2013.
Mindmap von greenfylde, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von greenfylde vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

upper and lower GI cancer
  1. gastric
    1. more common in Japan, E europe, China, S america
      1. assoc: pernicioius anmia, blood group A, H pylori, atrophic gastritis, adenomatous polyps, lower social class, smoking, diet (high nitrate, high salt, pickling, low vit C, nitrosamine exposure, E cadherin abnorms
        1. symps
          1. often NON-SPECIFIC
            1. dyspepsia (for >1mo + >50y demands investig), weight loss, vomiting, dysphagia, anemia
            2. signs
              1. suggesting incurable disease: epigastric mass, hepatomeg, jaundice, ascites, large Virchow's node, acanthosis nigricans
              2. spread
                1. local, lymphatic, blood, transcelimic (eg to ovaries)
                2. tests
                  1. gastroscopy
                    1. multiple ulcer edge biopsies- aim to biopsy all gastric ulcers
                      1. endoscopic USS and CT/MRI for staging
                      2. treat
                        1. surgical resection or total gastrectomy
                          1. combo chemo may increase survival if advanced
                          2. palliation for obstruct, pain, hemorrage
                            1. 5 year surviv <10% overall (but radical surgery increases to 20%)
                          3. esophageal
                            1. RFs: diet, alch excess, smoking, achalasia, Plummer-vinson synd, obesity, diet low in vit A and C, nitrosamine exposure, reflux esophagitis +/- Barret's esoph, Male: F 5:1
                              1. may be squamous cell or adenocarcinomas
                                1. symps/signs
                                  1. dysphagia, weight loss, retrosternal chest pain, lymphadenopathy (rare), hoarseness, cough
                                  2. tests
                                    1. barium swall, CXR, esophagoscopy w/biopsy/brushings/EUS, CT/MRI, stagin laparoscopy if significant infra-diaphragmatic component
                                    2. treat
                                      1. poor survival w/ or w/o treat
                                        1. can try radical curative oesophagectomy
                                          1. palliation: aims to restore swallowing w/ chemo/radiotherapy, stenting and laser use
                                        2. colorectal


                                          • dukes claffic A confined to beneath musc mucosa B extension thru musc mucosa C local LNs involved D distant mets
                                          1. 3rd most common cancer, 2nd most common cancer deaths. 56% in ppl >70years
                                            1. RFs: neoplastic polyps, UC Crohns, familial adenomatous polyposis, HNPCC, previous cancer, low-fibre diet, smoking. (family history)
                                              1. presentation
                                                1. Lsided: bleeding/mucus PR, CoBH or obstruction, tenesmus, mass PR
                                                  1. Right: weigh loss, Hb --, abdo pain, (obstruct less likely)
                                                    1. both: abdo mass, perf, hameorrhage, fistula
                                                    2. tests
                                                      1. FBC(microcytic anemai), fecal occult blood, sigmoidoscopy, bariumn enema or colonoscopy (or done by CT), LFT, CT/MRI, liver USS.
                                                      2. spread: local, lymphatic by blood (liver, lung, bone) or transcoelomic
                                                        1. treatment
                                                          1. surgery
                                                            1. curative: hemicolectomy or resection (depends on site)
                                                              1. radiotherapy pre-op
                                                              2. palliative: endoscopic stenting
                                                                1. prognosis: 60% amenable to radical surgery; 70% of these alive 7 years
                                                                2. chemotherapy
                                                                  1. Dukes C (reduce mortality)
                                                                    1. palliative in metastatic
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                                                                ähnlicher Inhalt

                                                                acute abdomen
                                                                Liver disorders
                                                                Weight loss
                                                                alcohol misuse (any manifestation)
                                                                Die Zelle
                                                                Tahir Celikkol
                                                                Die Physiker, Friedrich Dürrenmatt 1962 (Neufassung 1980)