UNIT 5. Accesibility and Formats in the Publishing Industry


Summary of Unit 5
Nerea Fidalgo
Mindmap von Nerea Fidalgo, aktualisiert vor 5 Monate
Nerea Fidalgo
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

UNIT 5. Accesibility and Formats in the Publishing Industry
  1. Manuals of Style
    1. MLA
      1. APA
        1. Chicago Manual of Style
        2. BMAs to create lists of references
          1. In-text citations
            1. Mendeley
              1. RefWorks
                1. Write-N-Cite
              2. Reference list
                1. RefWorks
                  1. Write-N-Cite
                  2. Mendeley
                2. Publishing Tools
                  1. General Topics
                    1. Curation Methods
                      1. Scoop.it
                      2. Based on Pagination
                        1. E-page Creator
                          1. 3DIssue
                        2. Academic/Scientific Topics
                          1. Public Knowledge Project (PKP)
                            1. Open Journal System
                              1. Open Conference System
                                1. OpenEdition Journal
                              2. Books and E-books
                                1. Lulu
                                  1. Storybird
                                    1. Calibre
                                      1. QuarkXpress
                                        1. Adobe InDesign
                                      2. Accessibility
                                        1. Inclusivity
                                          1. Compliance
                                            1. Searchability
                                              1. User Experience
                                                1. Usability
                                                  1. Simple and Intuitive Design
                                                    1. Efficiency
                                                      1. Consistency
                                                        1. Feedback
                                                          1. Error prevention and recovery
                                                          2. Web Accessibility Iniciative
                                                          3. AI
                                                            1. ChatGPT
                                                              1. Language Analysis and Research
                                                                1. Analysis of Literary Texts
                                                                  1. Language Learning
                                                                    1. Translation
                                                                      1. Automated Writing
                                                                        1. Research Tool
                                                                          1. Writing Assistant
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