AC Theory


Mindmap am AC Theory, erstellt von alexlmharper1996 am 06/12/2013.
Mindmap von alexlmharper1996, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von alexlmharper1996 vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

AC Theory
  1. electro-magnatism
    1. lines of flux
      1. lines of flux do not cross
        1. lines of flux flow from north to south
          1. flux can be the same but with different density
        2. EMF
          1. magnetic flux density = tesla(Wb/m(square))
            1. magnetic flux= phi= (Wb)
            2. AC sin wave
              1. Frequency= f = Hz
                1. Frequency= 1/time period
                2. V avg=0.636*V peak
                  1. I avg= 0.636*V peak
                    1. V rms= 0.707*V peak
                      1. I rms= 0.707*V peak
                        1. V peak= 1.414* V peak
                          1. I peak= 1.414* I peak
                          2. Transformers
                            1. step up transformer
                              1. step down transformer
                                1. Delta/star
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