

PSYB10 (Emotions) Mindmap am Emotions, erstellt von andreaarose am 06/12/2013.
Mindmap von andreaarose, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von andreaarose vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Emotion
    1. Physiological and psychological response to an event that is felt and prepares a person for action
      1. Time span of emotion
        1. Real emotions
          1. 500 ms and 4 s
          2. Fake emotions
            1. Between 1 and 10 s
        2. Non emotions
          1. Moods
            1. being in a good or bad mood
            2. Sentiments
              1. wishing someone well
              2. Affective personality traits
                1. he is a cheerful person
                2. Level of arousal
                  1. sleepiness
                3. Basic emotions
                  1. Fear
                    1. Anger
                      1. Disgust
                        1. Sadness
                          1. Happiness
                            1. Surprise
                  2. Complex emotions
                    1. Blends of basic emotions
                      1. Types of complex emotions
                        1. Affect blends
                          1. different parts of the face register different emotions
                          2. Positive emotions
                            1. Positively valenced emotions
                              1. Gratitude
                                1. Contentment
                                  1. Love
                            2. Self conscious emotions
                              1. Complex emotions elicited by the self
                                1. Pride
                                  1. Shame
                                    1. Embarassment
                          3. Measuring emotions
                            1. Self report
                              1. Facial action muscles
                                1. Zygomaticus major
                                  1. Frontalis
                                    1. Levator labii
                                      1. Orbicularis oris
                                        1. Buccinator
                                          1. Orbicularis oculi
                                            1. Currogator supercilli
                                              1. Negative emotion
                                              2. Round muscle around the eye
                                              3. Smiles
                                              4. Smiles and subvocalizations
                                              5. Muscles on the side of your nose - disgust
                                              6. Surprise
                                              7. Smiling
                                            2. Emotional facial displays
                                              1. Non verbal communication
                                                1. Encoding
                                                  1. Decoding
                                                    1. Facial EMG
                                                      1. Facial Action Coding System
                                                        1. Numbers all facial muscle actions
                                                          1. Classifies emotions as patterns of muscle actions
                                                        2. Captures subtle facial movements
                                                          1. Best used when facial movement is not visually detectable
                                                            1. Obtrusive measurement technique
                                                    2. Different components
                                                      1. Physiological component
                                                        1. Proper inference of psychophysiology
                                                          1. Peripheral nervous system
                                                            1. Produces a physiological response stating that an emotion has occured
                                                              1. Emotions cannot be identified by peripheral responses
                                                                1. Response indicates degree of arousal or intensity
                                                                2. Central nervous system
                                                                  1. Processes emotional stimuli
                                                                    1. Limbic system
                                                                      1. Amygdala
                                                                        1. Hypothalamus
                                                                          1. Laughter
                                                                          2. Fear and anger
                                                                        2. Frontal cortex
                                                                      2. Physiological profiles help us understand arousal, intensity and possible circuits
                                                                      3. James-Lange theory of emotion
                                                                        1. Directed facial action task
                                                                          1. Participants can identify emotions from instructions
                                                                          2. Each emotion has a physiological profile
                                                                        2. Cognitive component
                                                                          1. Cognitive appraisals
                                                                            1. The meaning of an event affects our emotional response to it
                                                                              1. Someone punched you by accident or on purpose
                                                                            2. Two factor theory of emotion
                                                                              1. Physiological arousal is generalized, not specific
                                                                                1. Label arousal based on cognitive appraisal
                                                                                  1. Dutton and Aron bridge study
                                                                                    1. People were scared on a bridge were more attracted to people b/c of physical responses to being on a bridge
                                                                            3. Behavioural component
                                                                              1. Can determine emotions from:
                                                                                1. Facial display
                                                                                  1. Body posture
                                                                                    1. Vocal tone
                                                                                      1. Touch
                                                                                2. Action tendencies
                                                                                  1. Approach/avoid the stimulus
                                                                                    1. Basic functions of emotions
                                                                                    2. Universality of emotion
                                                                                      1. Ekman studies
                                                                                        1. Prototypical expression is universal
                                                                                          1. Cultural display rules apply
                                                                                          2. Culturally specific emotions
                                                                                            1. Amae
                                                                                              1. Pleasant feeling of depending on someone else
                                                                                              2. Schadenfreude
                                                                                                1. Pleasure derived from the misfortune of others
                                                                                                2. Hasham
                                                                                                  1. Pleasant feeling of humility
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