Sweatshops in China


Mindmap am Sweatshops in China, erstellt von glittrean010 am 09/12/2013.
Mindmap von glittrean010, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von glittrean010 vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Sweatshops in China
  1. Introduction
    1. Introduce the topic and grab reader's attention to this issue
      1. Leave the reader with a question that will be explained throughout the essay
        1. Atleast 1 pg long
        2. Idea #1
          1. Present first analysis of sweatshops in China
            1. Give FACTS and evidence as proof
              1. 3 scholarly references
            2. 2 pages
            3. IDEA #2
              1. 2 pages
                1. 3 scholarly references
              2. IDEA #3
                1. Relate idea # 3 to similar situations in america
                  1. Give facts and evidence as proof
                  2. 3 pages
                    1. 3 scholarly references
                  3. CLIMAX
                    1. 3 pages
                      1. Explain U.S role in sweatshops
                        1. Examples of some companies who play a role in this
                          1. Give facts and evidence
                          2. 5 references
                          3. CONCLUSION
                            1. Summary of essay
                              1. What is being done in toay's society to help put an end to sweatshops
                                1. List the positives
                                  1. 2 pages
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