PE: Exercise & Training Principles


Mindmap am PE: Exercise & Training Principles, erstellt von Tom McGreal am 07/01/2014.
Tom McGreal
Mindmap von Tom McGreal, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Tom McGreal
Erstellt von Tom McGreal vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

PE: Exercise & Training Principles
  1. E.T.P
    1. C.V Endurance
      1. Muscular Endurance
        1. Agility
          1. Healthy Lifestyle
            1. Muscle Mass
              1. Weights
                1. Flexibility
                  1. Anaerobic Exercise
                    1. Reduce % body fat
                      1. Aerobic Exercise
                        1. High Weight - Low Reps (Muscle Mass & Strength)
                          1. Low Weight - High Reps (Muscular Endurance)
                        2. S.P.O.R.T
                          1. S - Specific
                            1. Make your training specific to your sport and needs
                            2. P - Progressive
                              1. You should make your training more and more difficult. You need to keep moving forward.
                              2. O - Overload
                                1. To improve your body needs to work harder than normal. It needs to be under stress and discomfort.
                                2. R - Reversability
                                  1. Your Performance will stop or decrease if you stop training. You can loose fitness very easily. (3x Quicker)
                                  2. T - Type/Time
                                    1. S.P.O.R.V
                                      1. V - Variance
                                        1. You should have variety in your training to keep it interesting, stops you getting bored. Variety also trains different muscles.
                                    2. F.I.T.T
                                      1. F- Frequency
                                        1. I - Intensity
                                          1. T - Type of Training
                                            1. T - Time
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