Listening Skills


This mind map describe listening skills with pictures
Mindmap von bethyth13, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von bethyth13 vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Listening Skills
  1. Being approachable
    1. Have inviting body language
      1. Keep eye contact
        1. Listen without distraction
        2. Listening Actively
          1. Take note of the speaker´s body language
            1. Listen with the intent to learn
              1. Be open actively
                1. Try to emphatize
                  1. Avoid trying to offer an inmediately solution
                  2. Responding appropriately
                    1. Use top down listening strategies to prepare your response
                      1. Use bottom-up listening strategies to gather further information and prepare a response
                        1. Don't interrupt
                          1. Ask questions during an appropriate pause
                            1. Give the speaker consistent reactions to show you're attentive
                              1. Follw up
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