Why is the 1948 War significant to the Arab Israeli Conflict?


Mindmap am Why is the 1948 War significant to the Arab Israeli Conflict?, erstellt von Beth Wildman am 26/05/2016.
Beth Wildman
Mindmap von Beth Wildman, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Beth Wildman
Erstellt von Beth Wildman vor fast 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Why is the 1948 War significant to the Arab Israeli Conflict?
  1. Religion
    1. Religious sites in Jeruselem
      1. Believe they have claim
      2. Land
        1. After
          1. Israeli gain land
            1. Arabs are pushed out
            2. Before
              1. UN Partition
                1. Arabs had MORE!!
              2. Refugee
                1. Arab
                  1. Neighbouring counties
                  2. Israeli
                    1. living space
                      1. European Jews arrive
                        1. Holocast
                    2. International Involvment
                      1. UN
                        1. calls for ceasefire
                          1. Israel refuse
                        2. Britain
                          1. US financial support
                            1. Religious communities Internationally
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