Left Realism


Crime & Deviance (Topic 4) Mindmap am Left Realism, erstellt von CarrotSticks am 17/02/2014.
Mindmap von CarrotSticks, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von CarrotSticks vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Left Realism
  1. Jock Young
    1. developed for the need to take rising crime seriously and to produce practical solutions
      1. developed due to the influence of right realism on government policy
        1. society is unequal and ruled by capitalist class


          • similar to marxists 
          1. differ from marxism - reformists not revolutionists


            • believe in gradual change rather than violent overthrow of capitalism 
            • need to develop explanations of crime that will lead to practical strategies for reducing it here and now rather than to wait for a classless society to abolish crime
        2. Taking crime seriously
          1. Marxists - concentrate on corporate crime; neglects working class crime
            1. Neo-marxists - romanticise working class criminals; whereas they victimise other working class people
              1. Labelling theorists - see working class criminals as victims of discriminatory labelling; neglects the real victims (working class who suffer at the hands of criminals)
                1. crime has risen since 50s has led to aetiological crisis (view it as report in w/c crime has increased and not a real increase)
                  1. increase is too great to be explained this way = real increase


                    • use victim surveys for evidence
                2. Causes of crime
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