cells simon map


conptual map of the eukaryotic cells
simon ruiz
Mindmap von simon ruiz, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
simon ruiz
Erstellt von simon ruiz vor fast 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

cells simon map
  1. Different parts of this two cells
    1. animal cell different part
      1. centriol
      2. parts of the two in common
        1. mitochondrion,cytoplasm,golgi apparatus,cytoskeleton,nucleus,lysosome,peryxome,endoplasmic reticule.
        2. vegetal cell different parts
          1. chloroplasts,vacuole,cell wall
        3. differences
          1. the animal cell dont have chloroplasts while for the plant cell is vital
            1. the animal cell has lysosomes,the plant cell no
              1. the animal cell doesnt have fotosinthesis but plant have it
                1. the plant cell has sometimes a prismatic form but animal has a circule shape form
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