Impacts of climate change on coastal environment


Mindmap am Impacts of climate change on coastal environment, erstellt von Zeen Tng am 02/03/2014.
Zeen Tng
Mindmap von Zeen Tng, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Zeen Tng
Erstellt von Zeen Tng vor etwa 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Impacts of climate change on coastal environment
  1. Sea Level Rise
    1. Increased risk of flooding in cities, inhabited islands, and tidal wetlands.
      1. Increased salinity of ground water and push salt water further upstream
        1. water undrinkable without desalination
          1. harms aquatic plants and animals
        2. Storm surge
          1. Flood low-lying coasts
            1. damage property
              1. disrupt transportation systems
                1. destroy habitat
                2. Precipitation
                  1. increased spring runoff (too much precipitation)
                    1. threaten the health and quality of coastal waters.
                      1. runoff bring more nitrogen, phosphorus, and other pollutants into coastal waters, many aquatic species could be threatened
                      2. affect the salinity of coastal waters (little precipitation)
                        1. Droughts raises salinity in estuaries, and enables salt water to mix farther upstream
                      3. Coastal Water Temperatures
                        1. cause suitable habitats of temperature-sensitive species to shift northward.
                          1. Invasive species will start competing with native species.
                        2. Ocean Acidification
                          1. increase the risks of coral bleaching events that can lead to loss of critical habitat
                            1. Corals could be lost if CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere continue to rise at their current rate.
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