"I think I'm pregnant"


Medicine Mind Map on "I think I'm pregnant", created by Anas Ashour on 01/10/2016.
Anas Ashour
Mindmap von Anas Ashour, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Anas Ashour
Erstellt von Anas Ashour vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

"I think I'm pregnant"
  1. Breastfeeding
    1. protects the mother from


      • nlksnblks
      1. Osteoporosis
        1. postpartum bleeding
          1. Ovarian and Breast cancer
          2. Protects the baby from
            1. Diarrhea
              1. Necrotizing enterocolitis
                1. Respiratory tract infections
                  1. Obesity
                    1. SIDS
                  2. Pregnancy Risk factors
                    1. Reproductive Abnormalities
                      1. Age
                        1. Weight
                          1. Sexually transmitted diseases
                            1. Diabetes
                              1. Malnutrition
                                1. Sexual intercourse is NOT a risk factor
                                2. Immunological changes during pregnancy
                                  1. Decidual immune responses
                                    1. non-cytotoxic uNK cells and alternatively activated macrophages
                                    2. peripheral immune response
                                      1. innate immune system is activated and the numbers of monocytes and granulocytes significantly increase
                                      2. Specific T-cell-mediated immunity
                                        1. decrease in Th1/Th2 balance, regulatory T cells are increased
                                      3. Important nutrients
                                        1. Folic acid
                                          1. Prevents neural tube defects
                                          2. Calcium and VitD
                                            1. Builds bones
                                            2. Iron
                                              1. aids in Hemoblobin production
                                              2. Protein
                                                1. Helps in amino acid production
                                              3. Physiological changes
                                                1. Weight gain (25-35 lb)
                                                  1. Baby: 8lb, Placenta: 2-3lb, Amniotic fluid: 2-3lb, Breast tissue: 2-3lb, Blood supply: 4lb, Fats: 5-9lb, Larger uterus: 2-5lb
                                                  2. Reproductive system
                                                    1. Enlargement and vascularization of uterus, ligaments relaxation, and the 4. Cervix Softens
                                                    2. Cardiovascular system
                                                      1. Increase in bloob volume and heart rate
                                                      2. Respiratory system
                                                        1. increase in respiratory rate and decrease in the volume
                                                      3. Hormonal changes
                                                        1. Increase
                                                          1. Estrogen
                                                            1. Progesterone
                                                              1. hCG
                                                                1. Erythropoietin
                                                                  1. Thyroid
                                                                    1. hCS
                                                                      1. Relaxin
                                                                    2. Signs of pregnancy
                                                                      1. Amenorrhea
                                                                        1. Nausea/ Vomiting
                                                                          1. Heartburn
                                                                            1. Breast tenderness
                                                                              1. Urinary Frequency
                                                                                1. Vaginal Discharge
                                                                                  1. Food cravings
                                                                                  2. After Birth
                                                                                    1. contraception
                                                                                      1. The intrauterine device
                                                                                        1. Emergency contraceptive pills
                                                                                          1. Barrier methods
                                                                                            1. Hormonal methods
                                                                                              1. male “pill”
                                                                                              2. Marital leave
                                                                                                1. 60 days
                                                                                                2. Hospital stay
                                                                                                  1. 24 hours
                                                                                                3. Examinations of pregnancy
                                                                                                  1. Physical: cardiac, abdominal, lung
                                                                                                    1. Urine test (for hCG)
                                                                                                      1. Blood test: Glucose, Hb, ...
                                                                                                        1. Blood pressure
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