
Mapa Mental sobre THE LYMPHOID-IMMUNE SYSTEM, creado por Mariana Lacouture el 31/01/2017.
Mariana Lacouture
Mindmap von Mariana Lacouture, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Mariana Lacouture
Erstellt von Mariana Lacouture vor etwa 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

      1. Protect against disease or other pathogens.
        1. Through a series of steps called the immune response, it recognizes and attacks pathogens.
      2. It´s the body's defense against infectious organisms and other invaders. It attacks organisms and substances that invade body systems.
        1. IMMUNITY
          1. Active
            1. Passive
            2. LYMPHATIC SYSTEM
              1. FUNCTIONS
                1. Drain the excess of intersitial fluid from tissue and blood
                  1. Fluid brought by pressure differences between blood vessels and intersitial space. When this fluid enters the lymphatic vessels it is soon called lymph.
                  2. lipid transport
                    1. Lymphatic capillaries in the small intestine known as lacteals absorb dietary lipids.
                    2. Disease resistance
                      1. B cells and macrophages in the lymph nodes and spleen produce antibodies that mark and destroy antigens
                    3. It is a network of vessels that contain and transport lymph
                    4. ORGANS
                      1. Spleen
                        1. Filters the blood. It removes old or damaged red blood cells. It also triggers the release of lymphocites.
                        2. Tonsils
                          1. Help fight infections.
                          2. Appendix
                            1. Releases some mucus into the large intestine.
                            2. Lymph node
                              1. Filters lymph
                              2. Thymus
                                1. Immature lymphocytes first go to its cortex to become T cells, but their maturation finishes in the medulla.
                                2. Bone marrow
                                  1. Production and early selection of lymphocytes.
                                  2. Peyer’s patches
                                    1. Contain mostly B cells.
                                    2. Lymphatic vessels
                                      1. Carry lymph from the body's tissues to the blood vessels and heart.
                                        1. MALT
                                          1. immune cells located diffusely in the digestive, respiratory, or urogenital mucosae
                                            1. Gut
                                              1. Bronchus
                                                1. Nasal
                                                  1. Conjunctival
                                                    1. Organized mucosa
                                                      1. Diffused mucosa
                                                        1. Skin
                                                          1. Larynx
                                                      2. LINES OF DEFENSE
                                                        1. FIRST
                                                          1. SKIN
                                                            1. MUCUS
                                                              1. Prevent pathogens from entering / Non-specific response
                                                              2. SECOND
                                                                1. INFLAMATORY RESPONSE
                                                                  1. Makes macrophages travel faster/ Tissue repair
                                                                  2. MACROPHAGES
                                                                    1. Destroy pathogens
                                                                    2. Non-specific response
                                                                    3. THIRD
                                                                      1. B CELLS
                                                                        1. For bacterial pathogens
                                                                          1. ANTIBODIES
                                                                            1. Identify and neutralize antigens in the body
                                                                          2. T CELLS
                                                                            1. For viruses or cancer
                                                                            2. Specific response
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