

Mindmap am Zimmerobics, erstellt von babyjane23 am 20/04/2014.
Mindmap von babyjane23, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von babyjane23 vor etwa 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. techniques
    1. 1st person narrative
      1. "I know I am lucky and grateful and I didn't mean to be ungrateful."
      2. settings
        1. Retirement home
          1. "It's just that a sheltered house meant the end of everything".
        2. mood reflected in weather
          1. "It was a filthy day outside and the room was filled with shadows".
        3. Humour
          1. "There was Edna with her tongue sticking out".
            1. "It really suits you" said a woman whose navy blue one definitely didnt suit her".
              1. "I hope she doesn't need to go to the toilet in a hurry".
                1. "We looked like jellybabies in our tracksuits".
                2. Themes
                  1. A loss of lust for life
                    1. "Its so much bother to shove the thing in front of me I can't be bothered".
                      1. "I'd rather sit and daydream out the window".
                      2. secret longing for company
                        1. "I wish shed' just sit down and talk to me".
                          1. "I became drawn into the conversation and it wasn't that bad."
                        2. Feel good ending
                          1. "There I was at the end . .clapping my hands . . .in perfect time to the music
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