Love and Relationships


Valentina Ramírez Reynoso
Mindmap von Valentina Ramírez Reynoso, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Valentina Ramírez Reynoso
Erstellt von Valentina Ramírez Reynoso vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Love and Relationships
  1. Types of Relationships
    1. Based on true love
      1. Starts with a blind crush and makes it through the stabilization point.
        1. Both parties accept areas of oppotunities
        2. Obssessive
          1. The parties involved have a love/hate relationship
            1. They are constantly on and off
            2. Due to interest
              1. One of the party is only interested in what the other posses
                1. Wether it is money, good looks, popularity...
                2. Due to loneliness
                  1. To try to avoid feeling lonely to fill in the void you get into a relationship
                  2. By obligation
                    1. Blackmailing, or threatening is involved
                      1. One person manipulates the other to be in a relationship
                    2. Sexual interest
                      1. Has the sole purpose of satisfaying physical needs
                      2. Hidden
                        1. Only the people involved or close friends know about it
                          1. Sometimes it is not a good sign
                        2. Wrong
                          1. Doesn´t work, no matter how bad you want it.
                          2. Eternal platonic
                            1. The couple gets stuck in the dating phase
                              1. In spanish they´re called "quedantes"
                              2. Premature
                                1. The couple hasn´t know each other too much
                                  1. They take an impulsive decision to be together
                                    1. obviously doesn´t work.
                                  2. Complicated
                                    1. The couple loves each other but they also hate each other
                                      1. There´s codependence, and violence involved.
                                      2. Violent
                                        1. Action or omission intended to hurt other person
                                          1. Psychological
                                            1. Sexual
                                              1. Physical
                                                1. Verbal
                                                  1. Economical
                                                    1. Codependence
                                                2. Stages of Love
                                                  1. Getting to know them
                                                    1. The masks start to disappear
                                                      1. You see the real personality
                                                      2. Making a decision
                                                        1. You decide wether you stay or end it
                                                          1. You decide if their personality fits yours.
                                                          2. Stabilization
                                                            1. You proceed with plans as a couple
                                                              1. Maybe marriage, a family, etc.
                                                            2. Blind crush
                                                              1. Everything is perfect
                                                                1. He/She seems like a prince/princess
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