IN / AT / ON


Mindmap am IN / AT / ON, erstellt von Nadia Oliveira am 02/05/2014.
Nadia Oliveira
Mindmap von Nadia Oliveira, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Nadia Oliveira
Erstellt von Nadia Oliveira vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

IN / AT / ON
  1. IN
    1. Long periods; months; years
      1. I was born in 1987
        1. I'm gonna go to Nederland in January
        2. Biggest places
          1. I wann live in Nederland
          2. Periods of the day
            1. In the morning
          3. AT
            1. Hours; specific times
              1. I'm gonna go out at 4 o'clock
                1. Att noon/ At night/ At lunchtime
                2. Specific places
                  1. I'm at home
                  2. Especial dates
                    1. At Cristmas/ At Easter
                  3. ON
                    1. Days of the week, specific dates; holiday; birthday
                      1. On friday I'm in love
                        1. My birthday is on May 14th
                          1. On Christma's Day I wanna gifts
                            1. I don't want to do something on my birthday
                            2. Over something
                              1. The book is on the table
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