Occupational Lung Diseases


Mindmap am Occupational Lung Diseases, erstellt von Zulhilmi Zainal am 11/05/2014.
Zulhilmi Zainal
Mindmap von Zulhilmi Zainal, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Zulhilmi Zainal
Erstellt von Zulhilmi Zainal vor etwa 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Occupational Lung Diseases
  1. Occupational asthma
    1. caused by irritants & chemicals
      1. symptoms(sx) just like other asthma
      2. Industrial Bronchitis
        1. Identical symptoms to chronic bronchitis seen with cigarette smoking
          1. Coal workers & Grain workers
          2. Allergic alveolitis
            1. alveolar and bronchiolar level
              1. Hypersensitivity reaction
                1. Causes
                  1. Farmer’s Lung
                    1. hay
                    2. Pigeon breeder’s lung
                      1. feces
                      2. Bagassosis
                        1. bagasse- substance produced when juice is extracted from sugarcane & is used in making paper & explosives
                        2. Byssinosis
                          1. cotton dust
                        3. Sign & Symptoms
                          1. coughing, fever, tightness in chest, extreme tiredness & aching
                            1. chronic stage- trouble breathing
                            2. Diagnosis
                              1. Chest Xray
                                1. Pft test should be done to confirm the diagnosis
                                2. Treatment
                                  1. Wearing of mask(PPE)
                                    1. steroid- immunosuppresive
                                      1. reduce inflammation
                                  2. RADS: The Reactive Airways Dysfunction Syndrome
                                    1. Pneumoconiosis
                                      1. accumulation of dust in the lungs and the tissue reactions to its presence
                                        1. tissue reaction may be non-collagenous( minimal stromal reaction) or collagenous(when scarring is permanent)
                                          1. Characterised by fibrosis & caused by chronic inhalation of mineral dusts
                                            1. lungs cannot expand- dyspnea
                                            2. Sign & Symptoms
                                              1. dyspnea, Shortness of breath, Chest pain
                                            3. Asbestosis
                                              1. Diffuse fibrosis caused by a persistent alveolar inflamation
                                                1. Irregular opacities predominantly in the lung bases
                                                  1. Clubbing is common
                                                  2. Silicosis
                                                    1. Simple Silicosis
                                                      1. small nodules, predominantly in upper lobes; patient often symptomatic
                                                      2. Complicated Silicosis (Progressive Massive Fibrosis)
                                                        1. coalescence into large nodules or masses with retraction of upper lobes
                                                      3. Coal Worker’s Pneumoconiosis (CWP)
                                                        1. Can cause industrial bronchitis, emphysema and progressive massive fibrosis
                                                          1. Xray looks worse than patient
                                                            1. Simple CWP
                                                              1. asymptomatic
                                                                1. small rounded opacities predominantly in the upper lobes
                                                                2. Complications
                                                                  1. Caplan’s Syndrome
                                                                    1. syndrome with rheumatoid arthritis features, PMF, and usually (>70%) a positive rheumatoid factor
                                                                3. Hard Metal Disease
                                                                  1. Cobalt
                                                                    1. metal cutting or grinding tools and in jet engines turbines blades


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