
Notiz am Ohne Titel, erstellt von mahalihoo am 26/01/2015.
Notiz von mahalihoo, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von mahalihoo vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

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"The minimalist style works really well"We decided to keep our design simple to fit with the indie genre, our audience responded well to this

"I would buy this album if I knew of the artist beforehand"This taught us that audience members are more willing to spend money on albums if they know a little about the artist and their brand, this stressed how important synergy is for an artist's campaign

"Pilgrim are a youthful, laidback band"We successfully connoted Pilgrim's star identity through the album cover

"This is from the indie genre" "Pilgrim are an indie-pop band"Similar to our music video, the use of bright colours reminded some participants of pop and indie-pop album covers.

"I like the photos, they look very professional"Our use of a studio, 5D MKII and ARRI Lights gave our photos a professional look.

"It looks a little plain"The minimalist design didn't appeal to younger members of our audience (Age 13 - 15), this is probably because indie music is not as popular as other genres such as Pop among this age group.

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must, had to, mustn't oder don't need to
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