flight license


Our best and top international Pilot School is Federal Aviation Administration FAR Part 141 approved, providing outstanding flight training services. Our airline pilot job placement programs and a state-of-the-art aircraft fleet is highly rated. Our flight student first-time pass rate is over 90%. From Private Pilot License, Instrument Rating Airplane, Commercial Pilot License, Multi Engine Rating, Flight Instructor courses to ATP, we offer the full package. https://www.flightschoolusa.com/
Official James 54
Notiz von Official James 54, aktualisiert vor etwa 2 Monate
Official James 54
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Seite 1

flight license Start your flight training at the top-rated PPL to ATP flight school in sunny Florida, USA. Our comprehensive programs cater to pilots and international flight students, offering a range of training options from Florida PPL to ATP. . With authorization to enroll non-immigrant flight students for M1 Visa training, we ensure a seamless experience for international students. Benefit from our state-of-the-art aircraft fleet, and take advantage of our competitive pricing including the Fast Track CPL with just 111 hours. Our Fast Track Commercial Pilot Course is FAA approved. Begin your journey to becoming a pilot today!

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