

A description and tutorial on flowcharts
Gelöschter Nutzer
Notiz von Gelöschter Nutzer, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago Mehr Weniger
Oliver Faragher
Erstellt von Oliver Faragher vor mehr als 7 Jahre
Oliver Faragher
Kopiert von Oliver Faragher vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Seite 1

As described earlier there are several key symbols for designing a flowchartRectangle = ProcessDiamond = DecisionParallelogram = Input / outputCurve ended rectangle = Start / stopHeaded arrows = Show direction of flowUnlike pseudocode not every output and input is shown. For instance if there was a question that required an answer it would be show as an input with the question.e.gStart -----> INPUT: "What is your favorite animal?"After a question it would always go onto a decision based on the answer of the questione.gStart -----> INPUT: "What is your favorite animal?" ------> Does answer = parrotIt would then go on to show what would happen to whether the answer is true or false, and end.e.gStart -----> INPUT: "What is your favorite animal?" ------> Does answer = parrot --------> Yes ------> OUPUT: "I agree, I love how they echo you!" -----> End No ------> OUTPUT: "I disagree, I think it's a parrot!" ------> EndIf there is no response required from the user then it would only be output, if a response is required it would only be input as shown earlierBBC Bitsize useful section: http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/guides/z3bq7ty/revision/3

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