religion and life, life after death


Quiz am religion and life, life after death, erstellt von krissyaliceryan am 18/12/2014.
Quiz von krissyaliceryan, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von krissyaliceryan vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

what are NDEs?
  • where people believe they can communicate with dead relatives
  • When people are clinically dead and report sensing things such as seeing lights or hearing voices
  • unexplained things that are thought to have spiritual causes

Frage 2

what did Jesus say to a criminal while on the cross?
  • "this day, you will die with me and go hell for your bad deeds"
  • "you will follow me into the death and rise on the third day"
  • "this day, you will be with me in paradise"

Frage 3

What do roman Catholics believe about hell and heaven
  • If you have recently confessed your sins and been cleansed, you go straight to heaven whereas if not, you are sent to purgatory where you are judged by god to be sent to heaven or hell
  • You are sent directly to purgatory where you are judged and sent straight to heaven or hell depending on whether God forgives you or not
  • There is no hell and there is only heaven and middle ground where you will be stuck forever

Frage 4

Jesus taught his followers that in order to get into the kingdom of God, they must pray, do good deeds, attend church and study for intelligence
  • True
  • False

Frage 5

what is the definition of Paranormal?
  • Things that can be explained by science but that are thought to be strange and of extra-terrestrial origin
  • Unexplained things that are thought to be caused by Greek gods and events that occurred in ancient times
  • unexplained things that are thought to have spiritual causes

Frage 6

Why would someone assume that mediums do not support belief in live after death?
  • They know things only your relatives or close friends would know
  • They invade your privacy
  • They take advantage of grieving, desperate people
  • They earn more money than they should

Frage 7

what is the definition of reincarnation
  • belief that after death, souls are born into new bodies but the body stays in the earth
  • belief that at the end of the world, your body is raised after death

Frage 8

Near death experiences happen to people who have been dead for any amount of time where they experience something and then come back from the dead.
  • True
  • False
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