3.4 PSR-7 HTTP Request/Response


TYPO3 CD 2020 (zweite Auflage) Quiz am 3.4 PSR-7 HTTP Request/Response, erstellt von Pascal Bartl am 09/04/2021.
Pascal Bartl
Quiz von Pascal Bartl, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Pascal Bartl
Erstellt von Pascal Bartl vor etwa 3 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

Which statements about the PSR-7 standard and the Guzzle library are correct? (2)
  • PSR-7 is the successor of PSR-2 and it describes a coding standard
  • The Guzzle library (used in the TYPO3 core) utilizes PSR-7 as the HTTP message interface
  • The TYPO3 core features a simplified wrapper (the “RequestFactory”) to access Guzzle clients
  • “cURL” needs to be installed on the system to generate valid HTTP requests according to the PSR-7 standard
  • The Guzzle library is used to generate PSR-7 conform HTML emails in TYPO3

Frage 2

You are using TYPO3’s RequestFactory to generate HTTP requests to a remote server. The remote server returns a redirect to another URI. What is required to access the redirect target? (1)
  • This is not possible. Only web browsers can follow redirects for security reasons
  • You have to parse the response header and manually initiate a second request to follow the redirect
  • You use TYPO3’s RedirectManager instead of the RequestFactory
  • The RequestFactory automatically follows redirects if they are enabled in the backend module SITE MANAGEMENT → Redirects
  • You configure the RequestFactory to follow redirects by passing additional options to the request() call
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