APUSH Period 4 Multiple Choice


APUSH Quiz am APUSH Period 4 Multiple Choice, erstellt von Naomi Mesman am 17/11/2016.
Naomi Mesman
Quiz von Naomi Mesman, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Naomi Mesman
Erstellt von Naomi Mesman vor mehr als 7 Jahre

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Frage 1

The above quotation from McCulloch v. Maryland, 1819, most focuses on which of the following debates that characterized the new republic?
  • The extension of slavery into the territories
  • The formation of a national currency
  • Loose versus strict interpretation of the Constitution
  • The application of the Bill of Rights of states

Frage 2

The above decision, McCulloch v. Maryland, reflected which of the following tendencies of the early Supreme Court?
  • To side with big business over labor
  • To favor national over state power
  • To uphold the sanctity of contract
  • To look unfavorably on the institution of slavery

Frage 3

Which of the following groups would be most likely to support the above decision, McCulloch v. Maryland?
  • Western farmers
  • Jacksonian Democrats
  • Know-Nothings
  • Former Federalists

Frage 4

The above account, Fourth Annual Report of Juvenile Delinquents in the City of New York, best reflects what growing reform sentiment during the period 1820 to 1848?
  • Belief in the perfectibility of man
  • Commitment to egalitarianism
  • Acceptance of transcendental philosophy
  • Commitment to the philosophy of predestination

Frage 5

Reform movements concerned with all of the following emerged in the same time period, 1820-1848, EXCEPT
  • Women's rights
  • Environmental preservation
  • Temperance
  • Public education

Frage 6

During the period 1800-1848, reform movements were most successful in achieving their goals in which of the following?
  • The granting of women's suffrage through the Nineteenth Amendment
  • Prohibition established through the Eighteenth Amendment
  • State laws focusing on improved public education
  • Establishment of federal standard for minimum wage and maximum hours

Frage 7

The system that Henry Clay describes above, the American System, was designed to create
  • Government ownership of the means of production
  • A foreign trade system that favored Great Britain over France
  • A national market economy
  • Dominance of state government over the national government

Frage 8

The following were components of the American System that Henry Clay envisioned EXCEPT
  • Federally funded internal improvements
  • Government ownership of railroads
  • A second Bank of the United States
  • Tariffs to protect infant industries

Frage 9

By 1848, which component of the American System was still used to benefit business?
  • A third Bank of the United States
  • Providing business with free raw materials from government-owned land
  • A protective tariff
  • The elimination of corporate income taxes

Frage 10

The above account, Loom and Spindle, 1898, best represents a departure from which of the following beliefs about the role of women in the early nineteenth century?
  • Prevalence of the concept of "republican motherhood"
  • Aspirations of women to become "career" women
  • Aspiration of women to become "visible saints"
  • Prevalence of the concept of "the cult of domesticity"

Frage 11

Early industry began in the Northeast for all of the following reasons EXCEPT
  • Swift-flowing streams that provided a good source of power
  • A relatively high population density to supply both labor and markets
  • A highly skilled labor force as a result of the apprenticeship system
  • An efficient mean of transportation provided by good natural harbors

Frage 12

The original mill girls mentioned above, in Loom and Spindle, were subsequently replaced by which of the following groups?
  • Immigrant women
  • Native-born children
  • Retired farmers
  • Immigrant children

Frage 13

What treaty gave the United States Florida?
  • Treaty of Paris
  • Adams-Onis Treaty
  • Treaty of Ghent
  • Jay's Treaty
  • Webter-Ashburton Treaty

Frage 14

How are Hartford Convention Nullification Question and some Marshall court cases connected?
  • States rights concerns
  • Nativist concerns
  • Slavery concerns
  • Political compromise

Frage 15

Which of the following glorified women's role as homemakers in the midst of industrialization?
  • Republican Motherhood
  • Cult of Domesticity
  • Bloomerism

Frage 16

Which of the following most strongly advocated sending slaved blacks to Africa as an answer to the problem of slavery?
  • Frederick Douglas
  • American Colonization Society
  • William Lloyd Garrison
  • Free-Soil Party

Frage 17

Which 1840s and 1850s set of immigrant groups arrived in unprecedented numbers resulting in nativist backlash in popular cultire?
  • Irish and Germans
  • French and Dutch
  • Italians and Greeks
  • Scots and Welsh

Frage 18

Which of the following was a famous black abolitionist who wrote an autobiography of his/her former life as a slave?
  • Frederick Douglas
  • Sojourner Truth

Frage 19

Which of the following is NOT a result of antebellum technology innovations such as the textile machinery, steam engine, and the telegraph?
  • Expanded size and scope of domestic markets
  • Heightened isolation of rural Americans
  • Increased industrial output and worker productions
  • Revolution in farming and agriculture

Frage 20

Which best describes the Lowell System?
  • It revolutionized production of steal in the US
  • It was so successful that it was eventually adopted throughout the US and England
  • It involved using mill girls from rural areas to work textile factories
  • It relied exclusively on cheap immigrant labor to undercut competitors

Frage 21

The growth and profitability of Southern cotton did all of the following EXCEPT
  • Catapulted wealth of average Southern white above most Northerners
  • Provided raw materials for manufacturing in New England
  • Accelerated internal movement of slaves to the West
  • Promoted national and international economic ties

Frage 22

Which of the following was least likely influenced by sectional difference?
  • White, male suffrage
  • Foreign policy
  • Tarrifs
  • Internal improvement

Frage 23

In 1837, what did South Carolina Senator John C. Calhoun call slavery?
  • Positive good
  • Necessary evil

Frage 24

Which of the following parties championed the "common man"?
  • Democrats
  • Whigs
  • Democratic-Republicans
  • Federalists

Frage 25

Which least strengthened economic ties with North and Midwest during antebellum?
  • Growth of canals and railroads
  • Spread of plantation agriculture
  • Federal attempts to create national economy
  • Shift to market production

Frage 26

Antebellum era reform movements such as abolitionism, temperance, and women's rights had their origins in all of the following EXCEPT
  • the Monroe Doctrine
  • the Second Great Awakening
  • Beliefs in human perfectibility
  • Liberal European social ideas

Frage 27

Majority of Irish immigrants to the United States in the 1840s and 1850s settled
  • Along the Great Lakes region
  • On farms in the Midwest
  • In cities along the east coast
  • On homesteads on the frontier

Frage 28

One impact of the widespread cultivation of cotton and other cash crops in the South was the
  • Creation of a more economically and socially egalitarian society in the South
  • Increasing economic isolation of the South from the rest of the country
  • Rapid growth of textile mills and other manufacturing throughout the South
  • Increased political power the South was able to wield in Congress

Frage 29

Opposition to the proposed American System of internal improvements was a result of
  • Regional interests overriding national concerns
  • Fears that improved transportation would lead to more western migration
  • Large federal budget deficits undermining the needed funding
  • Supreme Court decisions questioning its constitutionality

Frage 30

The most divisive issue in regards to western expansion during the antebellum era was
  • The removal of Indians
  • The extension of slavery
  • Free homesteads for settlers
  • Property qualifications for voting

Frage 31

Is the following true or false about Art and Literature in the early 1800s: -blended European style with American styles -not appreciated by Europeans -was not seen as original, creative, or critically well-received
  • True
  • False

Frage 32

Indians, women, and religious followers had which of the following in common during the antebellum era? -developed unique cultures that reflected their interests and experiences
  • True
  • False

Frage 33

What did the forced relocation of American Indians and the internal slave trade both have in common?
  • They were in direct violation of specific Supreme Court rulings
  • Most Northern migrants to the frontier were firmly opposed to each
  • They were driven by efforts to exploit the nation's natural resources
  • Most Whigs strongly supported both, while most Democrats strongly opposed both

Frage 34

What connected the Atlantic ocean to the Great Lakes?
  • Erie Canal
  • Monroe Doctrine
  • Adams-Onis Treaty
  • Hudson River

Frage 35

Which of the following Supreme Court cases is correctly identified?
  • McCulloch v. Maryland - upheld the sanctity of private contracts
  • Worcester v. Georgia - ruled that states cannot tax the federal government
  • Dartmouth v. Woodward - established tribal autonomy on Indian lands
  • Marbury v. Madison - established the principle of judicial review

Frage 36

Which of the following was NOT an example of Manifest Destiny?
  • Negotiations over the Oregon border
  • The annexation of Texas
  • Attempts to purchase California
  • Demilitarizing the Great Lakes

Frage 37

Which of the following correctly characterizes the War of 1812?
  • Broad popular support for the war effort temporarily eased sectional divisions over slavery and economic policy
  • The United States won a decisive victory against the British and gained valuable new land on the frontier as a result
  • Federalists support for the war reinvigorated the party and allowed it to thrive for another 20 years
  • The United States was able to reassert sovereignty over its existing western lands and remove Britain's military presence

Frage 38

Which of the following best describes the Monroe Doctrine?
  • It was an attempt to relocate American Indian tribes on the Great Plains to reservations and begin the process of cultural assimilation
  • It was an American pronouncement to European countries not to interfere with independent nations in the Western Hemisphere
  • It was a treaty with England in which Britain promised to confine all of their future colonization to the Eastern Hemisphere
  • It was an economic policy by President Monroe to revive the American economy by lowering tariffs and promoting manufacturing

Frage 39

All of the following are true of the Tariff of 1828 EXCEPT it
  • was viewed as an "abomination" by many Southerners
  • created a crisis that almost led to a civil war
  • demonstrated the growing differences between the North and South
  • was ultimately ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court

Frage 40

The Indian Removal Act of 1830
  • was upheld in Cherokee v. Georgia
  • paid Indian tribes market rates for their confiscated lands
  • led to the infamous Trail of Tears
  • was passed over President Jackson's angry veto

Frage 41

Which of the following was NOT true about the 1820 Missouri Compromise?
  • It barred slavery north of the 36 degree 30' line in future states from the Louisiana Purchase territory
  • It successfully kept the issue of slavery from becoming a national debate until just a few years before the Civil War
  • It temporarily settled the issue of slavery but was eventually weakened and ultimately overturned
  • It allowed Maine to enter the Union as a free state and Missouri to enter as a slave state

Frage 42

The increase of slavery in the new Southwest during the antebellum era
  • a decreased the market value of cotton and slaves in the East
  • was firmly opposed by both major political parties
  • led to the resumption of importing slaves from Africa
  • created new tensions over the spread of slavery
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