Articulations, Depressions, Projections, and Openings of bones


Karteikarten am Articulations, Depressions, Projections, and Openings of bones, erstellt von Cole Woytiuk am 05/11/2017.
Cole Woytiuk
Karteikarten von Cole Woytiuk, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Cole Woytiuk
Erstellt von Cole Woytiuk vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Markings: Condyle Large, smooth rounded surfaces
Markings: Facet Small and Flat
Markings: Head Prominent, rounded epiphisis
Depressions: Alveolus Deep pit or socket in maxillae or mandible
Depressions: Fossa Flattened or shallow depression
Depressions: Sulcus Narrow Grove
Projections: Crest Narrow, Prominent, Ridgelike projection
Projections: Epicondyl Projection adjacent to condyle
Projections: Line Low Ridge
Projections: Ramus Angular extension of a bone relative to the rest of the bone
Projections: Spine Pointed, slender projection
Projections: Trochanter Massive, round projection (only on femur)
Projections: Tuberosity Large, round projection
Openings: Canal Passageway through bone
Openings: Fissure Narrow, slitlike opening through a bone
Openings: Foramen Rounded passageway through a bone
Openings: Meatus Passageway through a bone
Openings: Sinus Cavity or hollow space in a bone
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