6B - play therapy


Karteikarten am 6B - play therapy, erstellt von Elizabeth Then am 15/06/2018.
Elizabeth Then
Karteikarten von Elizabeth Then, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Elizabeth Then
Erstellt von Elizabeth Then vor fast 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Types of play gross - large muscles fine - find movement sensory - sand, water visual - perception - puzzles, eye-spy pretend - as if
why is it important process stimuli, experience interactions, relationships, boundaries cognitive, social, physical
What is play therapy? number of theoretical models by a play therapist = utilises power of play and a therapeutic relationship
Child - centred play therpay eight core principles: 1. geniune interest 2. shows acceptance 3. creates feeling of safety 4. sensitive to child's feelings 5. believes child's capacity to probelm solve 6. trust the child's direct play 7. appreciates gradual nature of process 8. establishes limits to reality
Play therapist tool kit toys, tactile, sensory, manipulative
Play assessments establish baseline form direction see what has changed re-assess approach reflect age of child
Who might benefit from play therpay? individuals who have: trauma, emotional issues, autism, social deficits, self- confidence issues, developmental delays
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